Sunday, July 20, 2014

8 Weeks Left...But Who's Counting?!

As I sit here this afternoon enjoying a bowl of cut up apples and yogurt, I think how amazing the cooler temperature feels. Especially with the breeze! It's heavenly. I'll take more days like this for sure! Summer is in full swing with all the activities going on. One child is off to camp and the other one will soon follow. Both are finishing up baseball with the Jr Giants. Before I know it school will be in full swing again.

Today I thought I would answer a few questions that seem to be coming up frequently related to pregnancy, health, and surrogacy.

How am I feeling?
Amazing! Sure, there are a few aches and pains but nothing I can't tolerate. I truly have been blessed this pregnancy.

How much weight have you gained?
Yep, been asked a few times. Really it's not that bad. At 32 weeks I'm only up 14 pounds but the doctor's office has been consistently 2 pounds heavier. It's the great scale controversy. I suppose if I have to take the extra two pounds it's still not that bad.

Have you had any major cravings?
Nothing requiring a midnight run to a special store for food. I just know what foods taste best. Lots of fresh food. Honestly it's what makes me feel the best. Watermelon and Chipotle are so delish! No, not together, gross. I do miss my coffee. I'm finally able to have a cup every now and again but it still doesn't taste great. Let me preface this with I am NOT a beer drinker. Can't stand the taste however the hubby drinks it and let me tell you that every time he poured one, the smell of it was soooo appealing! Thankfully the allure has passed.

Does the baby kick a lot?
Yes but she seems to wiggle more. The movement comes in a couple three movements at a time and then she stops. It's almost like she just needs to get comfortable and moves accordingly. I've had very few nights of her keeping me up.

Do you know what you are having?
Yes, it's a girl but I quickly follow it up with, but it's not my baby. {Insert-I'm a surrogate}It usually takes a moment to register with people but they are usually very receptive to the concept. I try to let people know immediately that she is not mine because I work with the public and I don't want to mislead them in any way.

Is it your egg?
No, I am just the extreme babysitter. The embryo was created and placed inside my uterus. I have no biological relation to this little person. I believe that is what has allowed me not to get attached to her.

Are the parents excited?
Yes, the family is thrilled that they will have a new addition soon.

Will the mom and dad be there when you deliver?
Of course the family will be there. After all this is their child.

Are they excited?
Um, I'm pretty sure they are! Who wouldn't be excited for a new addition to the family? I'm excited for them too. I can wait for them to meet their little one.

How does your family feel about it?
My husband has been very supportive through it all. He knows this is something I've wanted to do for a very long time. My children are full of questions and love watching my belly grow. I don't think I would do this without their support.

Would you be a surrogate again if given the chance?
This is one I've contemplated a lot recently. As I don't yet know the full outcome of this pregnancy experience I cant make a solid decision. So far this is my answer: Yes and no. I've been very blessed throughout this whole process. Working with this family has been amazing. I don't know that I would be so lucky again. What if it didn't work out as well with another family? I love being pregnant and I have enjoyed every moment of this journey but even it I did decide to go through with this again I don't know that I could get the husband on board. He has been very supportive but there is a certain level of sacrifice to one's normal life routine. Also, he has a really hard time seeing me in any kind of pain or discomfort especially anything that he cant help with. I don't know that I could put him through that again. For now I am embracing every minute of the journey and know that this will forever be a part of my life I will not soon forget.

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