Friday, January 1, 2016

Making the New Year Great!

As I embrace a new day of a new year, I have a quite moment to reflect on the past year's events and happenings and all the emotions that went with it. I am reminded how precious life is, how valuable friendship is, and that even in the worst of times joy can be found. I am thankful for all the events that shaped last year and hope to treasure the memories as I take them into the new year.

I don't do new year resolutions but I believe making a conscious effort at any time to do or improve upon something positive in your life can only improve your outlook on life and hopefully infect those around you. I hope to focus on the positive more.

With that said, I am thrilled to be able to carry another little one for a great family. Hopefully delivery of this little one this year will bring added joy to the family. I am almost 15 weeks along now and feeling pretty good. I have been very fortunate again that I have had very little nausea and my energy level is returning! I can now stay up a little longer than my kids can which is a huge success. No clue yet as to what I am carrying but at my last OB appointment there was a strong heartbeat. I have not been able to feel any consistent little wiggles yet. There was one time a few weeks ago I felt a giant wiggle but nothing has happened since. I am excited for the ultrasound in a few weeks to see how this little one is developing and possibly find out what I am carrying. Keep you all posted as I know more...

I hope you all have a wonderful new year filled with many opportunities for happiness!