Thursday, January 9, 2014

It Just Might Be Official!

Sooo, the news we've all been waiting and hoping for! Blood level of first beta test was 150. This is a great sign that I'm pregnant but we needed today's beta test to at minimum double and it almost tripled coming in at 441! Woot woot! Pregnancy confirmed via blood hormone level! This is very encouraging.

There are still lots of fun tests and pokes that I have to go through before I'm in the clear like weekly blood tests to monitor all kinds of hormone levels. Just when I thought all that fun stuff would come to an end. Looks like I'll be on shots till mid February. You should see the giant bruises on my hips so far. The injection sights are also hard as rock. This was not an anticipated side affect but one that I must deal with. Also I'll have an ultrasound in just a few weeks to confirm a few things. First that the pregnancy is still viable and second to determine if both embryos implanted or just one. I might pass out if there's two but no matter the outcome is all in God's plan. Quite an exciting day. 

Overall I'm feeling quite well. No nausea yet. I wonder if that means it's a girl since I didn't have nausea with my daughter's pregnancy. I'm only slightly tired at the end of the day but then again who isn't?! The tentative due date is September 14th which means I'm 4 weeks and 3 days pregnant even though I've only been carrying the embryo for 12 days. Go figure on those calculations! The science behind this has been intriguing and the miracle of life, well just that. A miracle! So happy for the family!

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