Friday, January 24, 2014


Well my beta HCG has been steadily rising. This is a great indicator of positive pregnancy. Numbers have been 150, 441, 5263, and 16,296. But the main thing we've all been waiting for are the results of the ultrasound. It was so hard waiting during the hours leading up to the appointment today. As most of you know two embryos were transferred at the end of December. Waiting to find out if both took has been pretty intense. The ultrasound confirmed that there is for sure one healthy embryo! I'm pregnant! The intended family is going to grow again! There is however another blob/mass in there that has yet to be determined weather it's a failed embryo or one that implanted later and is slightly behind in development which would be the reason we couldn't see a heart beat. So no firm answer on weather there are belly buddies in there or just a buddy. There will be more waiting until the embryo(s) are farther along when another ultrasound can confirm more accurately the specifics. Hooray, a baby is on the way! So far I'm feeling great! Just a little sleepy in the early evenings. Ok, so I can't keep my eyes open passed eight but I'm not complaining.

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