Sunday, July 13, 2014

9 Weeks Left!

As the pregnancy transitions and the end is quickly approaching, I am amazed at how well I feel overall. I've really had very few complaints. Of course my body is growing another human being so there are bound to be aches and pains as muscles stretch and joints loosen. That's just part of the process. If I were to choose one annoying consistent symptom that I've suffered from it would be a stuffy nose. Yes, it really is a REAL side effect of pregnancy. Go figure. I remember being stuffy towards the end with my son's pregnancy but didn't know at the time that it was due to pregnancy. Something about increased levels of estrogen hormones in my body that cause more mucous in the lining of my nose. It should clear up after Little Miss is born. Simple remedy really!

Currently, heat is my Kryptonite! Literally! When I'm inside I'm happy as a clam but the second I get overheated,  the fingers and toes begin to swell and I wilt.  I feel like Violet from Willy Wink. You remember, she's the one who swelled into a blueberry and was rolled away to be squeezed! I've never experienced a summer pregnancy and I have to say that when I get hot, I get cranky. Who knew!? I've heard of this "cranky condition" in many pregnant women but until now never understood it. I have a whole new respect fo those who have gone before me! I'm normally a pretty patient, happy, and easy going person but the mix of heat and pregnancy have made me very intolerant of everything and everyone. Working through pregnancy has been a breeze though because I'm in AC all day! It's wonderful but venturing out even on my drive home is uncomfortable. Hoping this heat wave ends sooner rather than later. Lots of water and lots of watermelon until cooler days!

The Braxton Hicks contractions have begun. That's a sure sign the end phase has begun. So exciting. I forgot how tight they can get. Nothing painful but certainly gets my attention. Another thing that gets my attention is the constant moving this little one does. She seems to nestle into my left hip a lot. The family is getting a "kick" out of watching my belly move. My son was laughing hysterically the other night. He put his ear up to my belly to try to hear the baby and all he heard were the gurgles from the water I had just consumed and promptly got kicked in the side of the head. Ironically my son has been the most enthralled with little miss. He pokes at her to try to get her to move and talks to her. Sweet kid. My daughter has a more sarcastic humor about it all. She swears there is an alien in my belly about to burst out at any moment.

Recently I found a great blog called Birth Without Fear. It is full of inspirational birth stories and positive support. Its wonderful to have this positive aid along the way. Along with all the positive stories found online I've found a common thread of what pregnant women endure hearing form others that are negative. While pregnancy is a time to celebrate new life, women often times become very sensitive. I myself have heard a few comments from others. Especially other women. While I do not consider myself sensitive to many of the comments, I find it ironic that we as women boast about building each other up in regards to strengths,  abilities, and looks but when it comes to pregnancy how quickly the filter fades. I am not one to get easily offended because I am confident in who I am and what I am doing. But I am more aghast at the lack of thought before words are spoken between women. 

Right now though my focus is on getting through these last nine weeks with ease and grace...and lots of watermelon!

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