Sunday, July 28, 2013

Let The Fun Begin!

Today is the first day of injections! I never thought I would ever have the guts to give myself a shot in the gut. So glad I can now check off, "Give myself an injection" off my bucket list. It was really high up there too! (NOT) I was very fortunate to have a friend to help me through it the first time. I got a call from the nurse to explain the how to's but I'm a visual / hands on learner. I was pretty nervous but my friend took charge and said this is what you do and I did it! Very grateful to her for holding my hand through it.

I got all my meds in the mail two days ago. Just in time too because I'm ever so patient and kept calling on Thursday to confirm the order. They had to overnight it because there is no Saturday delivery and I started on Sunday, today. What an overwhelming sight when I opened the box. I have everything needed to get me through to the transfer date. Meds include: Lupron (injectable), Doxycycline (antibiotic for me), Florajen (probiotic for me), Baby Aspirin, Cipro (antibiotic for hubby to make sure he doesn't pass anything to me if he gets sick), Estradiol Valerate (injectable), and Progesterone (injectable). To top it all off there are enough syringes for all meds to get me through to the transfer. I think the sight of the syringes is really what made me apprehensive. But I did it and that's all that matters! I'm ready for this!

And so begins the countdown to transfer...25 days left. It is incredible how much science goes into the creation of a life. It's mind blowing! I'm interested to see if I'm still this positive in a few weeks when the side effects start up. Fingers crossed they will be mild to none. And now that I've mastered the Lupron shot (after one shot I'm now a master?) I will have to conquer the next two. The needles are HUGE for those two! EEeeek! The hubby gets to administer those inter muscularly though. Yes, he is having a great sense of humor about this! Quite thrilled that he gets to stick me in my tuchus.

So now I am on the Lupron shot and the Pill until August 1st when it's just the Lupron shot. Blood test August 6th and then on the 9th I start all meds listed above except Progesterone and then another blood test August 14. Then I start Progesterone on August 17th. Phew, good thing I have a calendar that tells me what to take on each day! Otherwise I would be a little lost. Grateful to the team at ZFC. They are wonderful and so patient with the questions I have. I'll keep you posted on any side effects. Have a great week!

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